Title: Life Story Jai (TATU)
Release: 06/28/14, 10 night TV3
Instructions: Khairul Amri
Script: Mazelan Manan
Issue: CK Production
Cast: Izzue Islam, Nad Zainal, Normah Damanhuri, Faralyna Idris, Zul Yahya, Talha Harith
Synopsis: The life of Jai as a criminal turn when he meets his old friend Chal that
hired him to work.
Release: 06/28/14, 10 night TV3
Instructions: Khairul Amri
Script: Mazelan Manan
Issue: CK Production
Cast: Izzue Islam, Nad Zainal, Normah Damanhuri, Faralyna Idris, Zul Yahya, Talha Harith
Synopsis: The life of Jai as a criminal turn when he meets his old friend Chal that
hired him to work.