Half My soul 's drama series , played by Loy Elfira , Aedy Ashraf , Hafizuddin Fadzil, Jasmin Hamid and Liza Abdullah . Synopsis The drama , tells the story of a girl named Hanna Dalila acting Elfira Loy undertaking a laundromat as a source of income. She is an orphan and reared by his aunt since childhood . Meanwhile, the Emir Izlan ( Aedy Ashraf ) who is a young village to work as a driver and Datin Datuk Darwish Sofinah .Emir is the offspring Datin Datin Sofinah Sofinah but often remind Emir to their blood relationship is not known by the Commissioner Darwish . Emir rented rooms above a laundromat Hanna Hanna and when they see the first time , he was beginning to like Hanna and friends with Hanna . Bagaimanapu Datuk Darwish who was a regular customer laundromat also expresses brilliantly married to Hanna . Emir also surprised that Hanna also responded positively and wanted to marry the guy. Since the first Emir vendetta against Mayor Darwish for stealing the woman he loves . Take a story full of conflict is Half My soul is aired every Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30 pm on TV9 .
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5