Marissa at her school last year , she could not wait to leave school that never gives tranquility in his life . The story began when Sasha ( popular school students ) to prepare folionya hired Marissa . Although not wanted, Marissa desire to buy an iPad to make Marissa's father took a job with the introduction fee .In addition to schooling , daily routine including Marissa became auxiliary forces and water -girl basket ball ( non - chinese - league ) with his father as coach Mr Fairuz forces . Marissa stadium often dibuli by Nash namely team captain . Jeevan is one of the players who Want to be friendly with him .During the day the father , Marissa and Mr. Fairuz were eating at a restaurant when Marissa gave the iPad to his father . However , poor odorless , Mr Fairuz attack heart disease . In the gloom , Marissa left behind the iPad in the restaurant .News about the state of Mr Fairuz has been up to the school and forces Nash now has no coach , is also made possible biasiswa Marissa pulled back . To continue biasiswanya , Mr Fairuz merahsiakan dah situation to convince the school to justify his place while Marissa Mr Fairuz ' study leave ' .Marissa runsing , he still has not had time to pay his full iPad lost and lessons also in danger , Marrisa need to make quick decisions . Marissa mencuba his fate as coach and found none who heard his direction .Finally , after the advice of the school councilors and repatriate iPad dijumpanya Jeevan in Jeevan family restaurant , Marissa took the position coach . Nash and Marissa troops were surprised by the decision .Meanwhile , Marissa forgot to prepare a folio made Sasha Sasha then failed in that subject . Sasha has vowed to take revenge .Watch denouement Plus 1 hour every Isnin 10.30mlm on TV9 .